Cultural Resource射和町の文化財

Wooden seated statue of Jizo Bosatsu


1 statue/Nanboku-chō period (1336~1392)/Izawa-cho, Dainichi-do/An 84 cm tall yosegi-zukuri style statue.
Government-designated important cultural property (Sculpture) (March 26,1915)

An 84 cm tall, Japanese cypress statue sculpted using the yosegi-zukuri carving style.
A Stone statue holding a monk’s metal ring-affixed staff (shakujo) in its right hand, and a wish-fulfilling gem in its left.
The tuft of hair between its eyes is made of crystal, and with long eyebrows and tapering eyelids half open, this statue possesses a peaceful appearance and wafts an unpretentious ambience with its delicate smile.
Its shoulders are gentle but also taut, along with its chest. Overall, the statue presents a refined appearance exuding dignity and benevolence.
