Shinsei Shonin (1443-1495) Memorial Stone Pagoda
4 pagodas/Muromachi Period/Rensho-ji Temple,
City-designated cultural property (August 28, 1981 )
Shinsei Shonin Memorial Stone Pagoda……A total height of 111cm, with an inscription that dates its erection to 1495. A five-ringed pagoda placed atop some two hundred or more stone statues of the Bodhisattva Jizo which are piled six layers high.
Hōkyōintō(Japanese pagoda contained the Hōkyōin dharani sutra.)……A total height of 158cm, with an inscription that dates its erection to 1376.
Hōkyōintō……A total height of 93cm, with an inscription that dates its erection to 1518.
Rokuji-myogo Board Monument……A total height of 55cm. Its carving style suggests it was erected in the late Muromachi Period. The six characters NA-MU-A-MI-DA-BUTSU (I take refuge in the Buddha Amida) are carved on its front facing side.
Japanese pagoda, Hōkyōintō (1376)
Japanese pagoda, Hōkyōintō (1518)
Rokuji-myogo board monument